
Slano Kopovo is located northeast of Novi Bečej, about 5km away from it. It is surrounded with the roads that connect Novi Bečej and Novo Miloševo, and Novi Bečej and Bašaid. At the same time, these are the roads that lead to the southern and northern entrance to  Slano Kopovo.

Slano Kopovo is segmental arched, elongated, low-land  area that spreads in the northwest-southeast direction.

Its coordinates are 45° 37’ 02’’ N and 45° 38’ 39’’ N North geographical latitude and , 20° 10’ 42’’ E and 20°14’ 58’’ E East geographical longitude from Greenwich. The central coordinate is 45° 37’ 51’’ N and 20° 12’ 40’’ E (Gaus – Kriger 5054.300/7438.500). The minimum altitude is 76,6 ma and the maximum altitude is 86,8 ma.